ASP VB/ODBC Pets Sample

This sample illustrates using ODBC from Amzi! Prolog in an ASP application written using an ActiveX control in Visual Basic.

Building the Sample

  1. Open the pets_odbc.vbp project in VB and build pets_odbc.dll. Then copy it to your Scripts directory (usually /InetPub/Scripts).
  2. Register pets_odbc.dll by typing 'regsvr32 pets_odbc.dll' at the command line from the Scripts directory.
  3. Open the pets_odbc.ppj project then compile and link with the library aodbc.plm into pets_odbc.xpl and copy pets_odbc.xpl to your Scripts directory.
  4. Copy pets_odbc.asp to your Scripts directory.
  5. Copy pets.mdb to your Scripts directory.
  6. In your Control Panel create a new ODBC data source named 'pets' and point it to pets.mdb in the Scripts directory.
  7. (Note: amzi.dll and aodbc.lsx must be somewhere in your PATH or in your Scripts directory).

Running the Sample

  1. Invoke pets_odbc.asp in your browser. This is usually done by typing http://localhost/Scripts/pets_odbc.asp