1. IntroductionThe Boeing Company is developing an architecture to provide on-demand communications satellite broadcast services. One use of this architecture is a commercial venture designed to provide occasional-use access to communications satellites without the need to purchase and manage a dedicated, full-time satellite transponder channel. Another use is a governmental project that provides on-demand services with agile satellites - those that can be repositioned. In this paper, we focus on one of the commercial experiences with this technology, describing the system operational components. We then discuss some of the issues in the design of a broadcast management infrastructure, and suggest research issues to be investigated to support future commercial enhancements. |
![]() Figure 1: On-Demand, Shared Bandwidth for Desktop Services
Boeing has joined with other partners to form a company that addresses the growing demand for satellite usage. Its charter is to explore the possibility of offering cost effective communications satellite broadcast delivery services, especially to smaller companies that would not normally be able to afford the use of a dedicated satellite transponder. This is accomplished by providing "desktop" on-demand scheduling of satellite usage and low-cost receive sites. The system consists of a central transmission site (Uplink Center) to provide information content for transmission and a modified commercial-off-the-shelf digital satellite receiver. Customers purchase transmission time-slices customized to accommodate their schedule and resource requirements; in other words, this service allows the customer to specify when and to whom the transmission is to be made in a flexible manner. This on-demand service is provided by partitioning "channels" of various fixed bandwidths across a transponder's bandwidth. The servicing of multiple customers is accomplished by associating security access with transmissions, thus allowing several customers to share the same channel without concern of information being received by sites not authorized for the broadcast. This information dissemination model is different from that provided by DirecPC [Hug97]. One difference is that the Boeing model is "push" - content providers decide what to send to receivers and push it to them at a designated time. DirecPC, on the other hand, provides a "pull" model - receivers request information they desire and it is sent immediately. DirecPC requires a two-way connection - a low-speed link to request information and a high-speed link (via satellite) to provide the requested information. The product described in this paper uses one-way high-speed satellites links to provide service. Plans for "pull" capabilities are under consideration for a future release. The channels are defined to provide Store-and-forward (digital data) or Real-time Stream (video/audio/data) services in a broadcast environment. Return loops (data from the receive sites) are out-of-band and will be handled by landline in the near future. Channel definitions consist of mapping multiplex interface hardware to service require-ments. A Store-and-forward channel is made up of a Digital Interface Unit while Real-time Stream channels consist of a video compressor and an audio compressor paired to provide simultaneous audio and video. The type of service contracted by a customer results in the assignment of channels matching the service requirements. To initiate a transmission, customers request a schedule time for a transmission on a specific channel with options consistent with the desired service. For Store-and-forward, customers send the data file to the transmission site via dial-up, leased lines or Internet where the file is stored for transmission at the scheduled time. Real-time stream customers have several methods (backhaul) of providing a video source for transmission. They can submit video tapes, use dedicated T1 lines, fiber, dial-up Primary Rate ISDN or contract for special video connection serv-ices, such as a remote video truck. At the scheduled time, Uplink Center operators either initiate a connection to the video source, or load and start a tape playback which is fed in real-time over the associated channel. The receive sites consist of a satellite receiver that reads and decodes digital data for storage on a PC local to the receiver on site or standard NTSC video signals fed to TV monitors. The receiver has an associated "smart-card" that allows for the decrypting of the signal, if authorized to receive. The smart-card receives a continuous digital data stream from the satellite, which provides authorization commands to allow that individual receiver to access particular channels. |
2. Operational ArchitectureThe operation of the scheduling and transmission is currently managed by two main subcomponents, as shown in Figure 2. One is an object model of system resources, customer transmission requests, schedule histories, constraints which represent rules of how resources can be combined, and other data required to describe a scheduled transmission. Some information is maintained by system operators as part of the operational infrastructure, and some is provided by an end-user when a time-slice is purchased. The objects are provided via distributed object servers that are between the applications and the database. Applications developed to interact with users have no knowledge of the schema or existence of an underlying database since they are provided with functional interfaces for needed objects. The other main component is a scheduling engine which interprets the transmission specifications stored in the object model, and produces a schedule of work for the Uplink center and receiver sites. In the remainder of this section, we describe each of these subsystems in more detail.
![]() Figure 2: Operational Architecture
2.1 SchedulingStore-and-forward scheduling requirements are based on a "hands-off" approach that does not require Uplink Center operator intervention. The scheduling model closely follows the conceptual view of an express delivery service with scheduling options of Immediate, Overnight and specific time delivery. The duration of a Store-and-forward schedule transmission is generally measured in minutes. The process for scheduling allows a customer to request a transmission by specifying the file to be transmitted, schedule options and a reliability factor (send once-send twice). The schedule engine determines the availability of schedule time and resources and requests confirmation from the customer that they desire to commit the schedule item.Real-time Stream scheduling is more complex in that multiple configurations of system resources are possible to satisfy a request. Durations for Real-time Streams are based on a minimum of 15 minutes with 15 minute increments. A setup time may also be needed since Uplink Center operators are required to complete manual operations such as loading a video tape player or checking signal quality prior to transmission time. The process for scheduling allows a customer to identify a transmission date, the desired configuration and estimated duration. The schedule engine responds with a view of available start times for the date desired using the configuration and channel. The customer then selects a desired start time and the schedule item is committed. A schedule item transitions through several states during its existence. When initially requested, it has a state of Reserved. At commitment time, its state changes to Booked. At setup time prior to transmission, it changes to In-process. When setup is complete, it switches to Transmitting. When done, it becomes Complete. Additional states are Error indicating that for some reason the transmission failed and Reschedule indicating that the schedule item requires rescheduling. Reschedule applies only to Store-and-forward services. |
The Scheduling engine supports a variety of scheduling strategies
for Store-and-forward services. The strategies are based on ordering preference
to assist in schedule load leveling and the level of preemption that is
desired when adding an item to the schedule. Ordering preference is selected
by specifying the "direction" in time that the item is to be added to the
schedule. A forward strategy fills the schedule from the time of request
to the future; a backward strategy fills the schedule from a future point
in time to the time of request. Levels of preemption define how much effort
is taken to fit a schedule item into a schedule slot. A normal preemptive
strategy requires the scheduling engine to deny a schedule request if any
item already in the schedule interferes with the request. A non-disruptive
strategy requires the scheduling engine to adjust the schedule times of
existing items as long as the existing items can be moved within their
time windows. A disruptive preemptive strategy requires the scheduling
engine to place the requested schedule item where specified and return
a list of disrupted schedule items. These items are then set to the Reschedule
state and require operator intervention to iden-tify a new schedule time.
Since maintenance on the equipment involved in transmission is required, it can be scheduled as a Maintenance item. The scheduling of a Maintenance item on a device required to support Store-and-forward will cause the schedule engine to move schedule items within the constraints associated with scheduling options for each schedule item affected by the Maintenance item. Items that can not be moved are marked for rescheduling. If no items are affected by the Maintenance item, use of the device associated with the Maintenance item is blocked. Maintenance items are the only schedule item that can be scheduled with a start time prior to the time of scheduling. This is required to support the condition where a failure is detected but its time of origin is prior to the time of detection. By allowing a Maintenance item to be scheduled starting prior to time of detection, Store-and-forward items in the schedule that were marked as In-process, Transmitting or Complete can be immediately rescheduled by the schedule engine or, if they cannot be automatically rescheduled, marked for manual rescheduling. An Uplink Center operator is then required to manually determine the new schedule time for the transmission. |
Store-and-ForwardThe scheduling options available for Store-and-forward and the one minute resolution associated with them require the inclusion of temporal information which defines the time durability of the data to be broadcast. This is, in effect, a time window in which the data can be sent according to a mobility factor (how well it can be moved in the time window). This was included to both support the defined scheduling options of Immediate, Overnight and Specific Time and to support the future ability for customer specification of broadcast time ranges, e.g. transmit between 9 am and 1 pm.Real-Time StreamReal-time streams require a set of resources to satisfy a broadcast where Store-and-forward items only require the use of a specific channel. These resources are defined and managed in pools that contain a set of like devices. An offered service is a unique combination of pool resources. When a schedule request is made, the schedule engine resolves the pool resources into a set of physical devices along with a channel that are committed to the schedule item at broadcast time.
Business SystemsBusiness Systems - billing, customer service, account-ing, etc. - are decoupled from the operational aspects of the architecture as much as possible to support changes in business process (models) independently of changes in the operational systems. The major intersection is temporal in nature in that before any schedule request is committed, the characteristics of the request are given to the Business System and a token is requested that grants permission to schedule. Permission is based on contractual dates intersected with schedule request time and service characteristics.Scheduler ExtensionsExtensions to the scheduling and configuration control mechanisms are required to allow for more sophisticated schedule specifications, and for more flexibility in creating a configuration that will satisfy a request. For example, use of agile satellites with mobile receive site(s) creates the need to determine the intersection of beam patterns with the location of the intended receive site. This will be accomplished by running simulations to predict the path of the satellite against the intended receive site and taking into the account the time durability of the data to be broadcast. Further, the definition of the time durability of data will be extended and used to add constraints to the scheduling engine in determining broadcast order for Store-and-forward schedule items.Extensions to hybrid transmission media will also place new requirements on the transmission scheduling engine. At this point in development, the architecture is based on a broadcast only model. To receive any confirmation or status from the receive sites an out-of-band feedback path, return loop, is required. Several types are under consideration - dial-up or dedicated land-line, radio link, and satellite link. When broadcasting to a set of receive sites that represent a diversity of feedback paths, issues to be investigated will include coordination of feedback time windows and the determination of a rebroadcast schedule given the variation in feedback times. |
2.2 Object ModelObjects common to both the needs of Store-and-forward and Real-time stream broadcasts are Channel, Configuration, Schedule, Transmission and Business Rule objects. Channel objects define the characteristics of channels within the transponder bandwidth. Configuration objects define the required number and device types (pools) to satisfy a service offering. Contractual agreements bind Channel objects to Configuration objects in a many-to-many relationship allowing for schedule optimization of resources and schedule robustness. |
A Schedule object reflects a commitment to provide service at a specified time or within service time definition. Schedule objects are, in essence, an abstract class that has specific sub-classes depending on service requirements. The currently defined sub-classes are Store-and-forward, Real-time Stream and Maintenance. Maintenance is a special case described below. Transmission objects provide for the management of Schedule objects as they transition to actual transmission events. This occurs when the schedule time for the object nears. For Store-and-forward Schedule objects, this occurs automatically since operator intervention is not required while with Real-time Stream Schedule objects, an Uplink Center operator initiates the transition at schedule time. A Business Rule object allows the specification of attributes that define operational constraints on the system such as hours of operation and maximum and minimum schedule durations by service. For the most part, they are used to optimize the scheduling engine. This was chosen to provide loose coupling between the system applications and the requirement for operators to be able to simply define new or changes to operational constraints. Additional objects to support specific requirements for Store-and-forward services and for the maintenance of Uplink Center equipment are also managed. For Store-and-forward service, a Data object is provided for the management of the customer's data files. This object defines the metadata associated with the data file and is associated with a specific Schedule object for transmission. Similarly, Maintenance objects are a type of Schedule object that do not reflect a transmission but effectively block the use of devices for schedules by taking them out-of-service for a specified time. This is done to maintain a consistent view of the system and allow for the uniform management of Schedule objects. Store-and-forward items affected by the Maintenance object are automatically rescheduled if possible. |
There are three types of Configuration objects:
As the system exists today, the interaction of the object model specification
and the scheduling engine can be thought of, roughly, as a workflow application
being executed by a workflow engine, if we expand the concepts frequently
promoted as part of workflow technology [GHS95, JBu96]. For example, the
notions of time durability in our satellite transmission scheduling problem
requires that real-time and temporal concepts be integrated into workflow
systems. It also suggests that more flexible scheduling of workflow tasks
to produce execution patterns which parallelize and optimize task execution
and utilize existing resources to their fullest capacity, while still operating
within system and business con-straints (currently captured in the object
model) is required.
3.1 System Business ProcessThe system business processes, shown in Figure 3, illustrate the major process components (denoted by different colors) and information flow (shown as labels on the arcs between nodes) through the system. Customer Management consists of Product Management, Contract Management and Billing. Provisioning consists of Resource Management, Channel Management, Product Configuration and Customer Configuration. Scheduling is a stand-alone process as is Schedule Execution.The Product Management process defines the product offerings according to service characteristics and pricing. Service offerings can be negotiated with customers to respond to specific needs outside of the normal offerings. This is part of the Contract Management process. Contract Management is the process of setting up customer information and profiles after sales are completed. Billing is the process of converting service activities into invoices. Resource Management defines the physical components and their characteristics in the uplink center. Channel Management identifies the types and characteristics of service channels in the uplink center. Product Configuration is the process of taking product definitions and allocating resource types to the definition. Upon the definition of a contract, the Customer Configuration process creates customer specific instances of product configurations and assigns allowable channels to the configuration. Resource types can also be converted to specific devices within the resource pools for that customer instance. At this point, the system has sufficient information to allow customers to schedule transmissions.
Figure 3: System Business Process Model
Scheduling is the process of customers identifying the contract information relative to billing assignments, identifying the specific customer configuration desired to be scheduled, and specifying the desired time for the transmission. Schedule Execution does the necessary Uplink center physical configuration
at the requested transmission time and monitors the state of the transmission.
For Store-and-forward services, operator intervention is not required while
Real-time Stream services require the intervention of operators to connect
patch cables, handle tape machines and provide other related services.
At the completion of transmission, a charge record is generated for use
by the billing process.
3.2 Customer Order Processing WorkflowWorkflow management systems are specifically designed to provide the capability of managing work, especially if there is some specific order in the tasks people have to perform to reach a result. In this product offering, a successful result means that the transmission of data or a video took place as scheduled according to the customer's specification.. As an example, we describe here the execution of a customer order workflow type called customer order processing, shown graphically in Figure 4; it is a refined subset of the high-level processes just described. For each customer request, this workflow type is instantiated and executed by a workflow engine. |
![]() Figure 4: An Example Workflow Type |
The figure does not show the complete workflow specification but is
restricted to the most important as-pects of it. When a customer calls
and wants to place an order for transmitting data, a customer representative
ini-tiates a customer order processing workflow instance. The customer
representative is then assigned the first step of the workflow instance:
input customer order. This step brings up an application program with a
graphical user interface. The customer representative asks the customer
the details of the order, such as what information should be transmitted
and when the transmissions should take place (year, month, day and time
of transmissions as well as the duration of the transmission)2.
In addition billing information is captured.
Before an order can be placed, the order has to be scheduled. This is necessary since a transmission uses resources which are of limited availability (e.g. a tape drive). Depending on the resource demands of the order and the resource availability at the requested transmission time, the order will be placed or denied by the customer representative. The scheduling of the required resources is done by a dedicated resource scheduling system, such as the scheduling engine just described for the current prod-uct offering. If the resources are available, the order is placed and the step input customer order is done. The order data (order) are also transferred to the next step in the workflow (transmit data). If required resources are not available, the customer might decide to ask for an-other time of transmission or to not place an order at all. In the latter case the customer representative discards the order ("order discarded by customer") and the workflow instance is finished as a whole. The functionality of a workflow system is especially useful for prompting users to perform manual tasks in a complex process. The most obvious example in the on-demand broadcast application is the manual set-up re-quired for some transmissions. The workflow system can provide a list of jobs for an Uplink center operator to carry out. After the set-up, the operator initiates the transmission using an application program. If the trans-missions fails, no billing record is written and the workflow instance finishes ("failure during transmis-sion"). At this point the workflow type is simplified. Usually the customer has to be notified of the failure and some compensation, such as retransmission, is negotiated. If the transmission succeeds, the order information, together with the actual transmission data, are transferred to the step write billing record. This step then takes the data and writes a billing record into a billing database. This step is executed by another application program. Since computing the amount to be charged and storing the information can be fully automated, this step is done automatically. This step is the last step in the workflow instance, after which the instance is deleted from the system.
2 Note that this process of getting customer input could be automated via electronic user profiles for information services that require recurring or refresh broadcasts. |
3.3 Transmission-Driven Workflow SchedulesCurrent workflow management systems assign workflow instances to a role (and subsequently to people or automated agents) according to the control flow and data flow specified in the workflow type. For example, the step transmit data is assigned to an operator as soon as the step input customer order is finished. This results in all outstanding orders being listed in the worklists of the operators.Since orders can be placed in advance, the list of out-standing transmissions could be long. Certainly, if the orders are generated via automatic profile analysis in a smart push architecture [DPe96], the queue of scheduled transmissions could be extremely large. However, an op-erator who is working shifts does not want to see transmission orders that do not take place during a particular shift at all. Instead, they should be provided a view of only those outstanding orders to be executed in that shift. There are basically two ways to achieve this: 1. Extend the functionality of a worklist such that the worklist can query all transmission orders between two given points in time, i. e. the start and finish time of a shift. An operator would type in the shift starting time and the worklist would only display the appropriate assignments. This would require that the transmission start and end time is available to the corresponding workflow instance, and could be implemented by storing these values in addition to the order identifier in the workflow instance. 2. The workflow management system does not instantiate the second step transmit data right after the first step input customer order has finished, and therefore does not assign the work to an operator worklist. Since it is known when a transmission has to take place, the workflow management system could postpone the instantiation of the second step until some time just before the scheduled transmission, e.g. two hours, at which time the transmission would appear in the worklist. In this case, the workflow management system has to be able to schedule parts of the execution of the workflow instance itself based on the output of the transmission scheduling engine (i.e. the transmis-sion schedule)3. At first glance, the first solution is appealing since little additional functionality is required. The worklist has to be extended to search for workflow instances with certain attribute values: in this case, the start and end time of transmission. The definition of the attribute values in the workflow type and the assignment of their values is specified by the workflow designer. However, due to the potentially large set of transmission requests in the system, this approach has the drawback of inefficiency by maintaining many workflow instances for pending transmissions. It would also lead to more complicated recovery mechanisms for instantiated workflows in the event of a system failure. The second case does have the drawback of creating additional functionality within the WFMS. However, it may be more advantageous since workflow instances do not exist until shortly before their use, and hence, WFMS resources are used more efficiently. At the same time, failure recovery can be easier and faster since the number of workflow instances to be restored is much lower. 3 Note that this scheduling process is different from the transmission schedule itself. Here, we are focused on the scheduling events required to manage the transmission sched-ule, not determine the transmission schedule itself. |
3.4 Interoperability Architecture for Transmission and Workflow EnginesWe propose an architecture, shown in Figure 5, to enable the creation of workflow instances depending on schedule of transmission orders that can be used to implement the second solution proposed above. The important observation is that workflow instances are not scheduled according to the static steps in the workflow specification (i.e. Figure 4), but instead according to the transmission order schedule.To do this, the WFMS must communicate with the transmission scheduling system. As soon as the step input customer order is successfully finished, the WFMS determines the time window of the scheduled transmission using the function "get_transmission_schedule(transmission_id)" of the transmission scheduler. The WFMS then creates a scheduled workflow instance. This is not a workflow instance itself but an entry within its database indicating when a workflow instance of the step transmit data has to be created. The WFMS polls periodically (or based on a time interrupt service) the scheduled workflow instances and creates them accordingly. For those instances which require manual set-up, the workflow instance can be created so that it will appear in the worklist of the operator at some default period of time (e.g. two hours) before the actual transmission time. While there are existing WFMS that can start workflow instances at a given time [COS94], the infor-mation has to be supplied by a user. However, in our proposed architecture, the WFMS is tightly integrated with a dedicated transmission scheduler on an application programming interface (API) level. In this approach, the system can determine when to schedule a workflow instance and not rely on manual work. One of the advantages of this approach is apparent for applications that require frequent re-scheduling, auto-matic refresh broadcasts based on user profiles, or other event-driven transmissions. The dedicated scheduler can actively notify the WFMS about a schedule change. Subsequently the WFMS can adjust its scheduled workflow instances. Several cases of rescheduling have to be considered.
3.5 Information Dissemination Techniques as Scheduling EventsThe triggering event for the execution of the transmit data workflow step in the current on-demand transmission service is an a-priori content provider request, however, others need to be incorporated. In applications such as a weather service, receivers require updated information at some (a)periodic rate of delivery [FZd96, SRB97]. Other parameters that could determine transmission events in-clude frequency of update, the size of the changed information, the number of receive sites interested in the updates, and new requests for information. For highly dynamic application domains, such as integrated battle management, the frequency of updates to source data can vary widely: from the nanosecond range for sensor infor-mation, for example, to hourly updates to intelligence databases. Furthermore, information, such as battle plans, may only be valid for a certain, and relatively short, period of time. In the case of smart push [DPe96], one or more intermediary servers are used to aggregate receive site profiles to determine how best to package source in-formation for broadcast. This profile information itself is also subject to update, and brings another layer of data consistency to be maintained. A transmission scheduler must optimize to these parameters and the resulting schedules must be flexibly accommodated by a broadcast management system, possibly implemented with an extended workflow management infrastructure.
We have described a commercial on-demand satellite broadcast system, including
its operational model and system components, and the business process used
for the service configuration. The current system is implemented by a database
driven scheduling engine that will provide the core functionality of future
services. We have discussed some of the issues in the design of a broadcast
management system by integrating a transmission scheduling system with
a workflow management infrastructure. Future work will focus a more detailed
study of how in-formation dissemination techniques can be incorporated
and on their effect on the integrated design of a broadcast management
system for different satellite-based information systems. |
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the rest of the
DigitalXpress team, especially Tom Haug, Doug Julien and Joel Wright, for
their significant contributions to the design and implementation of the
system, and insightful comments on this paper. We would also like to note
that the recent passing of our colleague Art Murphy, whose work on the
scheduling engine reported here, is a significant personal and professional
loss; we plan to continue his research agenda to the best of our ability.
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Hughes Network Systems. DirecPC Home-page. http://www.direcpc.com. |
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