Reprinted with permission from "AI at Work", PC AI Magazine (, March/April 2001.
Practical Application of Prolog
to eBusiness:
AI Product Exercised |
A number
of emerging trends in eBusiness can benefit by departing from procedural languages.
Data interchange with disparate systems and the increased sophistication and
dependency on codifying business rules are just two areas presenting business
challenges that the Prolog language is well suited to address.
To illustrate the possibilities, lets see how has applied Prolog in the advancement of its eBusiness strategy. Along the way, well also review key lessons and considerations when applying Prolog to realworld problems.
The strength of a typical eBusiness resides in its ability to connect a variety of business systems directly to the end user usually requiring a large amount of data interchange. Typically, proprietary vendor record types are converted to a more useful form, perhaps XML. One challenge here is the time required to establish, test and deploy the glue software required to interface the systems. Frequent vendor upgrades or the vendors own XML initiatives can create an ongoing maintenance burden for the development team.
Analytics is often described as the next revolution in internet technology. In short, companies analyze their customer behavior and develop business rules to maximize revenue growth, loyalty and customer satisfaction. From the proverbial business rule check credit limit to more sophisticated rules show customer related books of interest business rules are constantly changing and growing increasingly complex. What these types of problems have in common is they are both difficult to develop and maintain with traditional programming languages. They are all ideal applications for Prolog. In fact, these applications are so suited to representation in Prolog that they seem too simple. provides a real-time racing and handicapping service for the established horse racing customer. The service provides live audio/video, real-time information feeds and information products, deriving its revenue from subscription fees, information product sales, and where legal, live wagering. It provides access to over 60 tracks around the country, as well as Australia and Canada. The service is available on the Internet through a web browser or a standalone webenabled CD based application.
Our challenge is to satisfy the needs of the racing enthusiast. Whether they be an owner, an established handicapper or a weekend player, they need timely and germane information about the races they are interested in. There is a wealth of information available, including: live odds, late changes, audio/video, past performances, tip sheets and live commentary from the track. Our business depends on our ability to integrate all this data and to combine it into an intelligent presentation for the user.
Youbet uses an N-tier architecture to connect web browsers through a session layer to application servers, vendor systems and databases. Communication between servers is typically done through messaging. This allows us to easily integrate the variety of application servers, vendor systems and databases that our service depends on.
Vendor interchange, and codification of business rules are all implemented through messaging middleware in the application tier. A Java based application server with an integrated Prolog rule base performs these functions.
The process of interfacing a Prolog rulebase with Java is very straightforward using a Prolog implementation such as Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server. Once the package is imported into a Java application, you can consult Prolog files. You can also extend or optimize Prolog by mapping Java methods to extended predicates, which are called from the Prolog code.
Figure 1: N-Tier Architecture
Figure 2: Application Server Architecture |
Here is one scenario for this application server that involves data interchange and business rules:
Receive live messages from a racetrack. If the message contains race results, update content on a web server[1].
Despite the simplicity of this example, the same techniques can be employed to provide a wide range of compelling user features.
The scenario above is implemented as follows:
While program organization is always important, it is critical in a hybrid application (i.e. Java and Prolog). Developers seem to have difficulty thinking procedurally and declaratively at the same time. They must be able to work primarily in one language at a time or productivity and quality suffers. In this system, steps 3, 4 & 5 are performed in Prolog.
A good design allows the Prolog code to be tested directly in the Prolog interpreter (listener), in a hybrid test harness and in the final application. This requires a test framework and the ability to pump test messages from the listener, test predicates, data files and the network.
Figure 3: Program Structure
Figure 3 shows the relationship of key predicates the lines representing dependencies between predicates. The ovals represent predicates that are stored in the same file. The predicates responsible for steps 3, 4 & 5 of the scenario are also indicated.
The main processing is performed by the following predicates:
The remaining 3 predicates implement a very flexible test harness. They are present in every file. If your Prolog implementation supports name spaces, this is very straightforward.
These predicates allow the developer to build a solid testable rule-base without having to leave the Prolog environment. The same test cases can be executed in a hybrid test harness and the final application. A comprehensive regression test can be performed at any time.
In steps 3 and 4, the central problem is parsing a foreign grammar. This is a common class of problems at since we have to interface with a number of different data sources. Before settling on Prolog, we explored several other approaches.
The traditional approach Implement a state machine based parser (perhaps using tools such as Lex and Yacc).
The OOP approach Implement a parser based on dissecting the grammar into a class hierarchy.
The AI approach Implement a Baucus Normal Format (BNF) style grammar using Prolog.
First the system converts a vendor message (character list) to a parse tree (Sdl_rsx). The vendor grammar is represented by a set of Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) rules that converts the vendor grammar into a parse tree. By structuring the parse tree as follows, the conversion to XML is trivial:
node ==> <node name>*, attributeList, nodeList | <text> attributeList ==> [attribute, ] nodeList ==> [node, ] attribute ==> <attribute name>*, <attribute value>
* Expressed as a functor
For example, the XML:
<odds track=AQUEDUCT race=3 type=WIN> <entry horse=1 value=3-2/> <entry horse=2 value=5-1/> </odds>
is equivalent to the following Prolog structure.
odds([track(AQUEDUCT),race(3),type(WIN)],[ entry([horse(1),value(3-2)],[]), entry([horse(1),value(3-2)],[]) ])
This simplified structure can be easily extended to support the broader XML specification.
Table 1: Comparison of Parsing Techniques
The parser is most efficent if it is implemented as a single-pass parser with minimum backtracking. However, the resultant XML may not be ideal for the final stage of processing. The vendor data may be organized in a non-intuitive way or may utilize keys or abbreviations that need to be resolved. Or the XML may not identify records of a specific type in a uniform way. Even though other approaches were explored, expressing the translation logic in Prolog was ideal since complex rules can be easily expressed, enhanced and maintained. The ability to add powerful heuristics is probably one of the greatest benefits of this approach since data may contain missing or inaccurate data can be corrected over time as patterns are identified.
The data is transformed by developing a set of rules (rsx_sym) to describe these abnormalities. Since the XML is already represented as a Prolog structure, symbolic manipulation converts this structure to a format compatible with a standard or vendor neutral DTD. If you plan to resolve keys or abbreviations, it is useful to use a Prolog implementation (such as Amzi!) that interfaces with SQL databases.
In the application server, business rules effect change by sending messages to other systems or by directly acting on the database. In this case, sending a message to a server that writes files to a web server. Complex rules that depend on multiple event conditions and/or database state changes can be easily expressed. This higher order processing can take advantage of the full range of Prolog constructs and is tailored to the problem domain. The effects of the rule can be implemented as extended predicates in Java.
Another example of a business rule use is in the categorization of news feeds used to deliver relevant, value-added content personalizing the user experience. The rule here is:
Categorize articles by related players and teams, then deliver these articles to users who are interested in these players and teams.
Sports articles are received as messages from news wire services which are converted into XML as described earlier. At the completion of step 4, the article is in a uniform symbolic representation. Individual words in the article are tokenized and represented as atoms. The article is then unified against a set of rules that look for common references to specific players and teams. Prolog facts describing players and teams are stored in the SQL database so they are accessible throughout the system and easily maintained. As a final step, the articles are stored and cross referenced in the database.
Just as in message translation, a major benefit of the Prolog approach is the ability to add new heuristics as the application evolves. A natural progression here would be:
Once the problem domain is better understood, consider implementing a metagrammar and interpreter/compiler for rule expression. This will make it substantially easier for business analysts and ASEs to maintain the rule base. Meta grammars are easily implemented in Prolog.
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Its hard to imagine a successful eBusiness that does not have a demand for data interchange, or business rules. The nature of these problems presents opportunities for a Prolog rule-base embedded within a larger application architecture. has applied AI technology and a common architecture to develop an approach that ties Prolog and messaging technology together producing a powerful problem solving tool in the application tier. This tool establishes a solid foundation on which the business rules essential to the success of our customer retention strategies are built. Incorporating new rules is easy without requiring significant re-work. Futhermore, with the correct meta-grammars we believe that the maintenance of many business rules can be moved to less technical staff. To date, we use Prolog to integrate the data from four different vendors into our eBusiness presence and many additional applications and enhancements are being considered.
Using Prolog in a mixed language, distributed environment has also posed special challenges. Here are some issues to consider before using this approach:
Douglas Tung, C.T.O. and Chief Architect of, an online interactive horse racing experience can be reached at [email protected]. The Youbet web site is
[1] For simplification, this example has been modified from practice.
[2] For one modest grammar, the parser consisted of over 100 code files, some representing trivial language elements.