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The Atlantic Coast Conference Schedules its
'97 Basketball Season with Amzi!

The 1997 Atlantic Coast Conference basketball season schedule was created using Amzi! Prolog. This is the first time the ACC has used rule-based technology. They turned to it because they couldn't get a schedule anywhere else that met their constraints for television, balance and fairness.

Fred Barakat, Assistant Commissioner of the ACC said, "Amzi! is the only organization that was able to give us a complete schedule that met all our requirements and scheduling constraints."

The ACC has some extremely demanding constraints on their regular season playing schedule. In addition to the normal pattern of having each team play every other team twice, once home and once away, there are additional constraints based on TV coverage, teams which must play on certain days, and a desire by the highly competitive coaches to have a schedule that is fair for all teams.

The fairness constraints are the most difficult to enforce, as they require equal home and away games during each half season, not more than two home or away games in a row, and an equal number of home games on weekends as during the mid-week.

The problem has become too complex for hand scheduling, and was even dubbed impossible by top sports scheduling professionals who use linear programming techniques.

This year the ACC tried Amzi! Prolog and the result was a program that generated a schedule that met all of their constraints.

A simplified version of this program that generates round-robin sports schedules is available for downloading from our web site. It is a full, working application that can be used for scheduling your sporting events.

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