Allow the run process to be driven entirely from the keyboard without mouse
clicks, and allow double-clicking on the menu to select and continue.
Fixed X (close) button to do nothing during run on the question dialog boxes.
Fixed confirmation about saving an object where just one table cell is modified.
Allow two variables to be used next to each other, e.g. %server%%path%.
Fix renaming of objects that are 2 or more levels deep in subfolders.
Disallow creating folders with the same name.
Disallow blank cells in rule_sets and other tables.
During rename, also change table column names and variables (in percents).
Allow the user to enter numbers with decimal point as question values used
in formulas.
Version 4-1-18,19
Fixed a large number of memory leaks and the use of some operators in tables.
Version 4-1-17
Allow printing of the object/folder trees and object forms.
Allow the specification of goals when invoking a knowledgebase via the KWI.
Fixed 'contains' and 'contains_nocase' comparators.
Version 4-1-16
Fixed a variety of problems with moving/renaming objects and folders.
Version 4-1-14
Added Delphi runtime interface example.
Fixed 'default' to work like 'true' in rule_sets.
Fixed text objects that use files instead of text within the object itself.
Version 4-1-12
Added a Tools | Preferences item to optionally save knowledgebases in Unicode
format so that international characters can be used. This makes .kb files
unreadable under Win98 editors like notepad, and UNICODE FILES WILL NOT WORK
Added Run | Compile command to compile knowledgebases for faster execution
and for distribution. Compiled files end in .kbc. When running a knowledgebase
in the Workshop the compiled form is run instead of the source form if the
date of the compiled file is more recent than the date of the source file.
When running a knowledgebase under the CGI interface, you can specify a .kbc
file instead of a .kb for kb_file. When running an embedded knowledgebase
under the KWI, you can open a .kbc file instead of a .kb.
When running knowledgebases, answers are returned as they are available,
so the Workshop runs exactly the same way the KWI does (and hence the web,
Java, Delphi and VB interfaces).
Added number_of_items to check the number of values in a list.
Automatically re-open last opened knowledgebase or prompt for one to open.
Remember more window sizes and locations between sessions.
Fixed HTML output window during run to not contain any spurious <p>'s.
Fixed various UI problems for Linux and built first Linux distribution.
Fixed bug that returned a bad value when no rows in a table match (now it
properly displays an error message).
Fixed bug that ignored setting of auto-update status window.
Version 4-1-11
Almost finished the Basic tutorial.
All Jigs: Added date handling and documented it.
All Jigs: Added output_top, continue and bottom to the knowledgebase object
for formatting output to be displayed for the user.
Fixed a bug that caused the Workshop to GPF and exit when incorrect condition
syntax was entered into a rule_set or table and saved.
Fixed the list of return types for SQL queries.
Version 4-1-10
Converted to Amzi! 6.1 for the underlying system. This uses double-quotes
(") instead of dollar signs ($) to denote text strings.
Added Tools | Font command to set the font for the object/folder trees,
status window and object edit windows.
All Jigs: Allowed variables in question prompts, with the restriction that
ask-also questions must not contain any unknown variables.
Support Jig: Added solution_top and solution_bottom to format the output
for the web.
Version 4-1-6
Added Row | Insert Above command.
Renamed and reorganzed CGI files for better handling of multiple jigs.
When renaming objects, prompts to replace the name for all other occurances
within the knowledgebase.
Fixed Search | Find to work when not matching case.
Fixed disappearing cursor when switching between object windows.
Support Jig: Added sendmail action to CGI interface.
Version 4-1-5
Added the ability to specify two different text values for menus. One is
used for display to the user and the other is used in conditions in rule_sets
and tables.
Added Alt-keys for invoking menu choices and hot keys for the more commonly
used menu commands.
Turned off the button panel on the bottom of the object window and allow
object windows to be closed via the 'X' in the upper right corner.
Version 4-1-4
Added a Preferences option to turn off the automatic update of the status
Version 4-1-3
Merged the document_format object with the knowledgebase object. You will
be prompted when you open an old knowledgebase if it is OK to convert it to
the new format. We recommend you make a backup copy of your knowledgebase
Re-organized view problems and connections onto status tabs at the bottom
of the screen. Improved the reporting of both items.
Added a Search | Find command with its results displayed on the status tabs.
Reworked the CGI interface so that it will work with any jig.