There are numerous examples of such services one can imagine implementing using AI tools, but the problem has always been how to make the service readily available and up-to-date for the end user.
Consider for example a travel advisor. Many AI students have written applications that reason about transportation schedules and provide advice to potential travelers. But this application is of strictly academic interest without 1) connections to live travel schedules and 2) easy access for the traveler.
The Internet provides both these missing pieces. The travel advisor can now be implemented on a server with live access to the latest transportation schedules and easy Web-based access for the traveler.
The potential is enormous. Consider technical support applications, with the same two problems. With the Internet, users can easily access diagnostic applications that are connected to the latest vendor information. An academically interesting application suddenly becomes extremely practical.
And wait until the marketeers of the world discover the potential for consumer advisors. The same travel advisor type application can be applied for any consumer products and services. Consumers can surf the Web and access applications that dispense advice on which model car to get, what type of insurance to buy, which TV cable services to sign up for, etc.
Diagnostic services for all areas of life can also be made available, for figuring out why there are brown spots on the lawn, or the faucets are leaking, or you're dissatisfied at work. Maybe these advisors would be on Web pages implemented by a fertilizer company, plumbing manufacturer, and job placement agency, or maybe they would be implemented by individuals adding their bits of expertise to the global community.
No matter whether academic, commercial or individual, all sorts of AI applications that weren't practical because they couldn't connect to current data, or couldn't be easily accessed by their target audience, suddenly become practical.
For Internet applications with AI components, we've implemented a custom rule-engine (see "Building Custom Rule Engines" PC AI Mar/Apr 96) that uses CGI scripts for communication with Web pages (see "Web-Based Intelligent Tech Support" PC AI Sep/Oct 96) and, most recently a Java class.
Java is designed to be a simple, object-oriented language for deploying secure, multithreaded network applications (both clients and servers). Prolog is ideal for building the intelligent components, expert systems and logic-bases discussed above. In combination, Java and Prolog are an ideal pair for delivering useful advisor/analyst applications on the Internet.
This article focuses on the design, implementation and uses of a Java class that encapsulates Prolog services.
Where to Learn About Java |
If you want to learn more about Java and Java Applets, see You can also download Sun's Java Development Kit (JDK) from there. The Java Class and samples in this article are built with JDK 1.0.2. Netscape is developing its own interface for native methods called the Java Runtime Interface (JRI); also check out its new LiveWire and LiveConnect technology for integrating Java on both the client (Navigator) and server sides. For more information on it and Java Script see Finally Microsoft is shipping Java support for their Internet Explorer at |
To build a Java class whose methods are not implemented in Java, one needs to build a new library that conforms to the calling conventions expected by the Java runtime. This was the first step in implementing the Amzi! Java class. The links from a Java program to the basic Amzi! library are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Amzi32 is the Amzi! Logic Server. AmziJava is the new library that connects the Amzi! Java Class to the Amzi! Logic Server.
In addition to this underlying architecture, there are a number of features of the Java class that were dictated by the distinct characteristics of Java. These are detailed in the following sections.
The Java implementation borrows from the ideas in these classes. It includes a main 'LogicServer' class that encapsulates a Prolog engine and its API, and an 'LSException' class used for error handling. They are both included in a Java package, ''. Figure 2 is an expanded architecture diagram that illustrates the package and its classes.<
Figure 2
The LogicServer class includes all the methods that give the developer full control over the Prolog engine. These include methods to:
A fundamental data type for the Prolog interface is a Prolog term. Internally, a Prolog term is a pointer, but, since that pointer is not manipulated by the application, it can be stored as an integer, similar to how it is stored in the Visual Basic interface. Unlike VB, Java integers are 64-bits, which means they can be used for both 32- and 64-bit implementations of Amzi! Prolog.
Many Logic Server API (LSAPI) functions return error codes, and use argument pointers to pass values back and forth. The Java class, like other Amzi! lsapis, is designed to use exception handling for errors, with return values passed directly as return values, without using pointers.
There were a few LSAPI functions that required special treatment.
This basic pattern is modified in the Java class, so that query methods return the Prolog term if the query was successful, and return 0 if the query fails.
The Prolog portion of the shipping advisor takes the type of package, its weight, UPS zone and a couple of shipping options as input. It then runs through a rule base that determines the various options their cost and delivery times. This application is one of the standard Amzi! samples, embedded without change, in a Java front end for this article.
Figure 3: The shipping advisor screen
The Java code for building the screen is cumbersome and dull. Future Java development environments will no doubt automate this process in a manner similar to Delphi, Visual Basic or C++. The interesting code is how Java interacts with the LogicServer class after the user presses 'Go'.
LogicServer ls = new LogicServer();ls.Init("");ls.Load("ship.xpl");Next, all the user inputs are asserted into Prolog's dynamic database as facts of the form 'known(Attribute, Value)'. Java's excellent string handling makes building the Prolog terms easy. In this case the strings are built using Java functions that retrieve text values from the user input form (see top of Figure 3).
ls.AssertaStr( "known(weight, " + weight.getText() + ")" ); if (cod.getState()) ls.AssertaStr( "known(cod, yes)" ); else ls.AssertaStr( "known(cod, no)" ); ls.AssertaStr( "known(declared_value, " + decvalue.getText() + ")" ); ls.AssertaStr( "known(ups_zone, " + zone.getText()+")"); ls.AssertaStr( "known(type, " + pkgtype.getSelectedItem() + ")" ); ls.AssertaStr( "known(destination, 'USA')" );Next the Prolog expert is consulted to provide a list of options. This is accomplished first by calling the option/4 predicate in the shipping advisor. It fires Prolog rules that result in a recommendation being returned in its four arguments, which represent the shipper, service, cost and delivery time. On backtracking, it returns other possible recommendations.
The query term is entered in the LSAPI function CallStr() just as it would be from a Prolog listener. As mentioned above, CallStr() returns the unified term, from which the arguments are extracted using the LSAPI GetStrArg() methods. The arguments are all extracted as text, which are added to the Java text area, named 'advice' in this application.
term = ls.CallStr("option(Shipper, Service, Cost, Delivery)"); do { advice.appendText(ls.GetStrArg(term, 1)); advice.appendText(" : "); advice.appendText(ls.GetStrArg(term, 2)); advice.appendText("\n $"); amt = ls.GetIntArg(term, 3); famt = amt; advice.appendText(Float.toString(famt/100)); advice.appendText(", "); advice.appendText(ls.GetStrArg(term, 4)); advice.appendText("\n\n"); } while (ls.Redo());The call to Redo() is used to cause the Prolog engine to backtrack and reunify the query term with another recommendation. This continues until there are no more recommendations, and Redo() returns FALSE. At this point the text box is filled with all the available recommendations.
Finally the Prolog engine is closed:
ls.Close();The full shipping advisor example is available for download, with the Java class, from the Amzi! Web site,
Java does not support function pointers but Java does provide a way for native 'C' methods to invoke Java methods. Extended Prolog predicates that call Java are implemented using this indirection. (See the Amzi! Java class documentation for details.)
Prolog and Java can be used in combination for servers that diagnose problems, recommend configurations or schedule events. For example, Amzi!'s Web-based technical support system could be enhanced with JavaScript to provide an easier to use interface.
At the University of Otago in New Zealand, researchers are trying to demonstrate the benefits of using agents in the area of software tool integration, using university course administration as an experimental domain ( They are building agent lsapis for existing tools such as a VMS-based central records system, a dBase course database and various Delphi, DOS and Excel tools and applications for retrieving and formatting information such as student marks. They are using Java to write front-end programs for existing tools (such as Excel) so that they can communicate with other agents. Amzi! Prolog is being used in the heart of the facilitator agent to store information about other agents and their capabilities and needs. The facilitator agent is key to the operation of the system, because it is the center point where agents register the services they have to offer and submit requests to find other agents to perform particular services.
Mary Kroening is a founder of Amzi! and is responsible for their Internet-based development including the Java Class, a Sockets Interface and WebLS, a system for answering tech support questions, diagnosing problems and giving advice on Web pages. Mary can be reached at Amzi! can be found at, and