C# .NET Pets Callback Sample

This is a slightly more complex version of Pets in which the Prolog program has a prompt/2 predicate used to get information from the user. In the example, it is used to ask the user for the sound the pet makes.

prompt/2 is implemented as an extended predicate in the C# program, illustrating the technique of having extended predicates associated with instances of classes derived from the Logic Server.

Building the Sample

  1. Open the pets_callback project.
  2. Make sure the 'References' include amzinet.dll.
  3. Build pets_callback.exe.
  4. Optionally copy amzi.dll to the bin subdirectory where amzinet.dll and pets_callback.exe are located.
  5. Compile and link pets.pro and copy pets.xpl to the bin subdirectory (or bin/Debug or bin/Release).

Running the Sample

  1. Run pets_callback.exe.
  2. Enter a sound like 'woof', 'quack' or 'meow'.

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