Amzi! Newsletter
The Amzi! Newsletter contains periodic articles about Prolog programming, expert systems and AI, as well as product news and information.
2012-03-29 -- Mac 64-bit OS X version now available, Linux runtimes available and new faster downloads.
2012-01-20 -- 64-Bit Windows version now available.
2011-11-02 -- New 9-5-2 release. Reintroducing the retro Amzi! IDE. UTF-8 support makes it easy to deploy national language applications.
2011-01-20 -- The reasoning engine for the decision tree domain specific language (DSL), and notes on Amzi! consulting, training, legacy code support and source code services.
2010-12-12 -- Knowledge representation for a bank's decision tree application, forum notes on representing chess moves.
2010-11-07 -- Introduction to domain specific languages (DSL), and new Amzi! products and pricing.
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Amzi!, Logic Server, ARulesXL, KnowledgeWright, Adventure in Prolog, Building Expert Systems in Prolog, are trademarks of Amzi! inc.
Flying squirrel photo Copyright © Joe McDonald