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ARulesXL uses English as a default language. It also supports some national national languages. The language in use for a rule set is determined from the machine's locale. Optionally, a rule set can be declared to use a certain language by setting the RuleSetLocale[language] property in the first line of a rule set.
For example:
RuleSetLocale[language] = "French"
Rules and queries can be entered in either the national language or English. That is, English key words and punctuation will, when not ambiguous, be supported as well as the national language.
dict(APRES, AFTER). dict(après, AFTER). dict(ET, AND). dict(suspends, append). dict(demander, ask). dict(AVANT, BEFORE). dict(pile_appels, call_stack). dict(CONCATENER, CONCATENATE). dict(concaténer, CONCATENATE). dict(COMPTER, COUNT). dict(COUPER, CUT). dict(date, date). dict(datetime, datetime). dict(JOUR, DAY). dict(jours, days). dict(jour, days). dict(IMPRESSIONDEBUG, DEBUGPRINT). dict(différence, DIFFERENCE). dict(évaluer, EVALUATE). dict(EXISTE, EXISTS). dict(faux, false). dict(CHERCHE, FIND). dict(TROUVETOUT, FINDALL). dict(PREMIER, FIRST). dict(TousTrouvés, foundall). dict(heures, hours). dict(heure, hours). dict(DANS, IN). dict(HERITER, INHERIT). dict(DE, FROM). dict(INTERSECTION, INTERSECTION). dict(EST_CONNU, IS_KNOWN). dict(EST_REGLES, IS_RULESET). dict(est_règles, IS_RULESET). dict(EST_SOUSENSEMBLE, IS_SUBSET). dict(DONNEE_A, ITEM_AT). dict(donnée_à, ITEM_AT). dict(DERNIER, LAST). dict(LISTE, LIST). dict(ENTRER_DATE , MAKE_DATE). dict(ENTRER_HEURE , MAKE_DATETIME). dict(MAXIMUM, MAXIMUM). dict(MEMBRE, MEMBER). dict(MINIMUM, MINIMUM). dict(minutes, minutes). dict(minute, minutes). dict(min, minutes). dict(min, minutes). dict(MOIS, MONTH). dict(mois, months). dict(BOITEMESSAGE, MSGBOX). dict(SUVANT, NEXT). dict(PAS, NOT). dict(maintenant, now). dict(UNEFOIS, ONETIME). dict(OU, OR). dict(PERMUTE, PERMUTE). dict(PRECEDENT, PRIOR). dict(précédent, PRIOR). dict(quitter , quit). dict(INVERSE, REVERSE). dict(secondes, seconds). dict(seconde, seconds). dict(sec, seconds). dict(sec, seconds). dict(CREE_ENSEMBLE, SET). dict(TRIER, SORT). dict(SQL, SQL). dict(TABLEAU , TABLE). dict(aujourdhui, today). dict(vrai, true). dict(PLAGE, RANGE). dict(ALORS, THEN). dict(UNION, UNION). dict(UTILISANT, USING). dict(SEMAINE, WEEK). dict(semaines, weeks). dict(semaine, weeks). dict(JOUR_SEMAINE, WEEKDAY). dict(QUAND, WHEN). dict(année, year). dict(années, years). dict(année, years).
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