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Excel Menu Commands

These functions can be triggered by from menu items and/or the control panel:

New Rule Set... - Prompts for the name of a new rule set and creates it in the currently selected cells by default. You can click on the range icon to indicate a different cell range. The new rule set will contain the name of the rule set in the first cell. You can rename a rule set by changing that name. You can make a rule set larger or smaller by inserting or deleting cells into/from the rule set box. The rule set name becomes an Excel name corresponding to the cell range of the rule set.

Remove Rule Set... - Removes the currently selected rule set. This turns all the rules into plain text. You can turn the text back into a rule set by selecting the cells and using New Rule Set....

Load Modified Rules - Loads modified rule sets so they can be used in RQuery()s again. Once a rule set is modified, RQuery()s display an error message until the rules are loaded again. Also available on the right mouse button.

Reload All Rules - Reloads all rule sets whether modified or not. Typically this isn't necessary but sometimes a fresh start is nice.

Trace Query - Starts the trace facility for the rule query in the currently selected cell. You can step through the execution of the rules and see which rules were used in the answering of the query.

Open Trace Log File - Opens the trace log file from the last trace run. Unlike the trace display, this log contains all the actions the rule engine made to answer the query.

Export Rule Sets... - Prompts for the name of the file that contains all the rule sets in the open workbook. This file can be opened and queried from a variety of web-based and stand-alone applications using the ARulesXL API. (Professional Edition only)

Export Rule Sets into Workbook - Export the binary form of the rules into the spreadsheet itself. This allows the spread sheet to be distributed with working, but un-modifiable rules. (Professional Edition only)

Convert for Sharepoint - Sharepoint requires slight modifications in UDFs, so this utility converts those functions for publication on a sharepoint server. (Professional Edition only)

Convert Back to Excel - Takes a Sharepoint formated ARulesXL workbook and converts it back to normal Excel for further maintenance and developement of rules. (Professional Edition only)

Tutorial - Opens the tutorials in this documentation.

Documentation - Opens the HTML documentation. Can also be opened from the ARulesXL menu on the Windows Start Menu.

Samples - Let's you open one of the ARulesXL sample spreadsheets.

Support Forum - Opens the ARulesXL technical support forum on the ARulesXL web site.

About - The about box for ARulesXL, including license information.

Cell Mouse Menu Commands

When you right-click on a cell the following command are available on the menu:

New Rule Set...

Remove Rule Set...

Trace Query

Load Modified Rules - This loads any modified rules into the rule engine and re-runs your RQuery()'s to reflect the rule changes.

Open in New Window to Print

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